Workout 336

I almost missed today’s workout.  Didn’t get enough sleep so I didn’t get up early enough.  I had training today.  I went to the facility and found out the training was in not there, but in Kansas City.  No worries.  Went back home to attend the training remotely.  We’re on the lunch break now.  I got my workout in with enough time to eat something.  Yea!

As for the workout, it wasn’t as good as I would like, but okay for a Monday.  The transitions felt a bit awkward.  Most likely that’s because I’m doing it way later than normal.  It’s funny how little things like that seem to affect how well my workout goes.  FitBit Calories: 144

Workout 335

Today’s workout was disrupted a bit.  I got my hair done yesterday and I guess my hair was a little slicker.  The hair wrap I usually wear for workouts came completely undone and I had to stop and re-tie it.  Luckily it was in the first five minutes and not during the high impact portion.  I checked and it looks like that 1 minutes break did not have a significant impact on calories burned.

I’ve been putting more effort into my lunges and the backs of my thighs are a bit sore.  The workout was okay.  I didn’t feel as strong as yesterday, but my breath control was still pretty good.  FitBit Calories: 148

Workout 334

This was a typical Saturday workout.  I was well-rested and caffeinated.  It almost feels like cheating.  I had to really focus on my breath control, but it didn’t feel like I was about to die.  When I finally start to feel like this during the work week, I’ll know I’m making progress.  I did stay up late gaming so there was a little excuse-searching, but I was able to push those thoughts away and get on with it.  FitBit Calories: 139

Workout 333

Today was the best workout this week so far.  My form and breath control were both decent.  I’ve been making a concerted effort to make sure I get enough sleep.  It’s really difficult considering how stressful the job has been lately.  I’m just sorry that I wasn’t able to get in the Nintendo Fitness Boxing workout today or yesterday.  I ended up working through lunch both days.  I’m not sure it made much of a difference.  I probably should have just worked out anyway.  FitBit Calories: 126

Workout 332

Today’s high impact workout was better than Monday’s.  The movements didn’t feel sped up to me.  My form could have been better, but it wasn’t terrible.  Yesterday, I didn’t do my high impact workout because I woke up feeling really sore.  I did do the Nintendo Fitness Boxing later so I wasn’t entirely inconsistent. I found myself contemplating skipping the Nintendo Fitness Boxing today.  You know a workout is a real workout when you start thinking up excused to avoid it.

I’m still sort of playing with how to track my workouts.  I think the reason I don’t feel the need to blog about the Nintendo Fitness Boxing workouts is that progress is tracked in the game.  It would be nice to link that data up with my FitBit.  I have stopped adding workouts to MyFitnessPal.  The MyFitnessPal app is linked with my FitBit account.  It occurs to me that if I note the workouts separately in MyFitnessPal, it could be counting my calories burned twice.  I always remove the data synced from MyFitnessPal to the FitBit app, but that still leaves the FitBit app data in MyFitnessPal.  I’ll track my workouts using the FitBit app only from now on unless I forget to put it into workout mode.  I’ll also look into syncing data (other than just the steps) from the FitBit automatically.

20 Minute Workout calories:120 – Nintendo Fitness Boxing calories: 228

Workout 331

I actually worked out Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but I’m not blogging about those.  I’m rapidly understanding just how much sleep impacts my workout.  If I get a solid eight hours, waking up to workout is a breeze.  At seven hours, I can do it, but it’s a struggle.  Anything less than seven and I don’t get up at all.  This morning’s workout was definitely harder.  For some reason, it seemed like it going faster, even though it’s the same workout.  My form wasn’t terrible but definitely could have been better.  I’m hoping for a better performance tomorrow.

I’m still undecided about noting both my morning and Nintendo Fitness Boxing workout.  FitBit Calories: 128 – Nintendo Fitness Boxing 247