Workout 244

Today’s workout was about average. Flubbed one transition, but recovered on the next rep. Form and breath control were good. I’m still a little concerned about advancing on Monday. It may be wiser to add half the set, about 7 reps. Fitbit Calories: 144

Workout 242

Today’s workout went well. Form and breath control were good. I’m still a bit worried about advancing next week. If that second set of fast lunges proves to be too much, I may cut back to half the set. Fitbit Calories: 144.

Workout 241

This workout was way later in the day than I planned.  I’ll try harder not to sleep in on the weekends.  The workout went pretty well.  I’ve finally mastered the beginner level classes for Destination Bollywood.  Now it’s just a matter of how well I execute the moves.  Next weekend, I’ll stop doing each class twice and add on the third class.  FitBit Calories:  348

  1. Warmup -Wall Breaker
  2. Toning – Build Strength A
  3. Toning – Build Strength B
  4. Destination Bollywood – Learn It! A (twice)
  5. Destination Bollywood – Learn It! B (twice)
  6. Cooldown A
  7. Cooldown B

Workout 240

Today’s workout was a bit more strenuous than I anticipated for some reason.  Maybe it’s because I started later in the morning.  I had to restart Wall Breaker because I initially, forgot to put my FitBit into workout mode.  I’ll be on the African Rhythms beginner classes for another week.  My form is still atrocious.  The good part is I finally figured out one of the last two moves I was having issues with.  I wasn’t bending over far enough.  The Kinect still did not detect every rep, but I got a much better score.  FitBit Calories:  331

  1. Warmup – Wall Breaker
  2. Cardio – Break A Sweat C
  3. African Rhythms – Learn It! A
  4. African Rhythms – Learn It! B
  5. Cooldown A
  6. Cooldown B

Workout 239

Didn’t have to go in to the office today, but still worked out on time. Again, the cross punches weren’t the last reps I had in me, but close. I’ve got one more week until I’m scheduled to advance. I’m hoping I’m up to it. Fitbit Calories: 139

Workout 238

Today’s workout went pretty well.  My form for this workout was better than it has been for the last couple of weeks, but that’s because I really focused on it.  I still had some slipping so I guess I’ll be shopping for new workout shoes soon.  FitBit Calories:  222

Workout 237

Today’s workout was okay.  The cross punches were not the last rep I had in me, but close.  It’s workouts like this that make me worry if I’ve allowed myself time to acclimatize before advancing to the next set.  We’ll see two weeks from now.  FitBit Calories:  141