Workout 379

I’m of two minds about today’s workout. My form and breath control weren’t the worst they have been, but they could definitely been better. I was surprised to have trouble during the warm up. I lost my balance once. On the other hand, I really didn’t want to workout at all. Everything in me wanted to stay in bed. The only reason I got up is because I had had just enough sleep so I didn’t feel drained. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my goal of five workouts this week having missed Monday. We’ll see. Fitbit Calories: 130

Workout 378

I didn’t workout Thursday or Friday.  I was just too tired.  I have yet to get my sleep cycle back under control.  It doesn’t help work has been hellish for the last three weeks and will continue that way for another three.  My usual wind-down tactics have just not been working.  The good the about Saturday is I can sleep in.  I got in a workout today.  It was so-so.  Not remarkable in any way, but I least I got it in.  FitBit Calories:  127

Workout 377

Today’s workout was better than yesterday, but not as good as Monday’s. I had that sensation where the instructors were moving too fast again. It faded a few sets in, but I can’t help but wonder why. Maybe because I haven’t had a full week of of workouts since the surgery. I had planned not to add in weekend workouts thus week, but maybe I ought to just so I can get back to normal. Fitbit Calories: 132

Workout 376

Today’s workout was more like what I expected for Monday. I struggled to maintain my form and it felt like the instructors were moving too fast. My breath control was okay though. Yesterday I tried extending the in two reps, out two reps breaths to the heel-jacks. It’s a good strategy and maybe I’ll keep using it further and further into the workout to build my endurance. Fitbit Calories: 133

Workout 375

I had a really great workout today, despite it being Monday. Form and breath control were good. It’s likely because I slacked off last week. It wasn’t a total loss as I got in three workouts. But after that, I mentally shut down. From Thursday on, I didn’t workout, I ate what I wanted, I didn’t use any health apps, I stayed up late and didn’t drink enough water. I quit everything. If I get in a workout tomorrow, I’ll know I’m back to pursuing a healthy lifestyle. If not, I’ll know there’s something going on internally and I’ll be forced to deal with it. Fitness regiment as a mental avoidance tactic. That’s a new one for me 🙈🙉🙊. Fitbit Calories: 133

Workout 374

Today’s workout felt a lot better than yesterday. I started to feel the strain during the first set of fast lunges, but I managed to finish. I can’t wait until I start feeling strong throughout, but I know it will take time. I’ll just have to be patient. Fitbit Calories: 113

Workout 373

Today’s workout was also rough. I almost didn’t make it through. I’m not sure if it’s because this is my first time working out two days in a row since the surgery or because I was a little congested. While I didn’t make any mistakes and wasn’t off balance, I struggled with breath control and didn’t execute the moves as well as I could have. We’ll see how long it takes me to get back to where I was before the surgery.

Also, my body is doing that weird thing again where my weight goes up but the percentage of body fat goes down. Fitbit Calories: 113