Workout 315

I’m not sure what happened on Thursday and Friday. I got enough sleep, but I just didn’t get up. I think it was more mental than physical. I think I’m tired of fitness occupying such as large part of my mental real estate. I’ve decided to make a change. I will keep the self commandment of doing three high impact workouts per week. The other days I will do whichever workout I feel like, be it another high impact workout, low impact aerobics or Your Shape Fitness Evolved classes. As long as I get it in. Hopefully this will soothe whatever this malaise I’m currently afflicted with.

I did a high impact workout today I stead of the usual Your Shape Fitness Evolved classes. It was a good workout. Especially since the spouse was present. Usually, I make sure I’m alone as I am easily distracted. This time, him being in the room didn’t bother me at all. This speaks to the confidence I’ve gained. My form and breath control were good enough that I might be able to advance on Monday. Fitbit Calories: 157