Workout 308

Back on track or not, this workout was still a bit more challenging than anticipated.  I missed one transition but recovered on the next rep.  For some reason, I had to really focus to make sure I wasn’t leaning forward during the warm up.  The rest of the workout was okay.  Maybe I was just still sleepy. Usually, I wake a few times during the night, with increasing frequency before the alarm goes off.  This morning felt really abrupt.  I was completely startled by the alarm.  FitBit Calories:  212

Workout 307

Again I focused really hard on my breath control and form and had a really good workout.  I’m not sure if I can sustain that level of focus for future workouts though.  The moment after the second set of fast lunges feels like an impenetrable wall.  I just keep having to remind myself that’s how I used to feel about the heeljacks and cross punches.  FitBit Calories:  144

Workout 306

Today’s workout was very challenging.  I decided to add in the Toning – Build Strength C and D classes.  The Toning – Build Strength C class was alright, but the D class was too lunge focused and put too much of a strain on my arm muscles.  If I strain my arms too much, it makes the Destination Bollywood classes painful.  I think I’ll exclude the D class for now.  Also, this is the first time I’ve worked out for over an hour.  I may have to change my advancement plan for the weekend workouts.  One hour eats up too much of my day.  FitBit Calories:  375

  1. Warmup -Wall Breaker
  2. Toning – Build Strength C
  3. Toning – Build Strength D (first routine only)
  4. Toning – Build Strength A
  5. Toning – Build Strength B
  6. Destination Bollywood – Rehearse It!
  7. Destination Bollywood – Speed It Up (A)
  8. Destination Bollywood – Speed It Up (B)
  9. Cooldown A
  10. Cooldown B

Workout 305

Again, I started later in the day than I would have liked.  The workout went okay.  I ended up working out before chores instead of afterward.  I just had this really strong feeling that if I didn’t work out right then, I wouldn’t do it.   I’m still annoyed the stupid Wall Breaker algorithm keeps throwing red hammers at me if I go faster.  Successful dodges should count for more points if they’re going to do that.  I’m getting shorted on my overall score.  I feel like I’m back to normal for this workout.  I’ll keep it at this place for a few more weekends, then start thinking about the next group of classes.  FitBit Calories:  370

  1. Warmup – Wall Breaker
  2. Cardio – Break A Sweat C
  3. African Rhythms – Rehearse It!
  4. Cooldown A
  5. Cooldown B

Workout 304

While today’s workout didn’t feel as good as Wednesday’s, I performed the same. I seem to have shaken off that weighted feeling I had over the holiday break. It’s safe to start thinking of advancement again. Fitbit Calories: 148

Workout 303

Today was not the best of the low impact workouts, but it was much better than Tuesday. I missed three transitions because I was focusing so much on keeping my back straight. I recovered on the next rep each time. We’ll see what next Tuesday’s workout is like.

Workout 302

Today’s workout was astoundingly good. I focused heavily on breath control and form. Still, I didn’t expect it to go as well as a pre-holiday break workout. As great as it was, I’m not going to declare my progress officially back on track unless Friday also goes well. Fitbit Calories: 151