Workout 227

I chugged a bottle of water before bed again last night and again, my previous soreness was very muted. I did a little research online, but I could not find anything definitively linking hydration with muscle soreness. I’ll just keep doing what’s working for me and leave it at that.

Today’s workout went okay. My form could definitely have been better, but I managed to keep up. I did the Destination Bollywood classes twice. I hope this will help me master the moves. Right now I’m pretty pathetic.

I’m estimating my calorie burn at 300 because I didn’t depress the button firmly enough and the Fitbit was still in workout mode 15 minutes after I was done.

  1. Warmup -Wall Breaker
  2. Toning – Build Strength A
  3. Toning – Build Strength B
  4. Destination Bollywood – Learn It! A (twice)
  5. Destination Bollywood – Learn It! B (twice)
  6. Cooldown A
  7. Cooldown B